Extra cash and fun for your pictures, or pictures of you, sold for products, logos, animated icons, ads, commercials... for design, style, clothes, cosmetics, music, showbiz, art, media, technique, IT, genetics, medicine, food, health, sports, travel...
View these selected SITES:
for finding a place where to stay, live, or do business in Western and Southern Europe ( Click on this sunrise picture or here )
Special MARKETING and SALES EURO TOURS for selling your stuff in the whole Europe ( Click on the Contact Page above or here )
( write this address on your browser or click on the skycar below or here )
( write this address on your browser or click below on pierretours@yahoo.com )
For NEW TALENTS, for NEW PROJECTS, for more INFO, send an email to:
The first time, write only a short text. You can also send one or a few pictures as attachments to your email.
Most pictures already in a computer, on CD, on floppy disk, from a digital camera, video or webcam, or any scanned photo or picture can be upgraded for most message layouts.
For any project, product, service... suggestions can be sent.
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Copyright (c) PAT 2003